Shelburne Veterinary Hospital

My dog bites her front paws and is scooting on her butt; should I contact her vet about these allergy symptoms?

Scooting — when a dog drags its anus along the ground — is almost always a sign something is irritating your dog. What’s behind that irritation can range from infection to worms to inflammation.

While scooting is most commonly caused by anal glands that need to be expressed, three of the most common clinical signs for allergies in dogs are excessive paw licking, scooting (anal itching) and head shaking due to ear inflammation. Taken together with a history of allergies and paw nibbling, it’s a sign that her allergies are not fully under control. There may be a seasonal allergy component at play as well.

Your vet knows your pet’s history and can help assess what other measures may need to be taken. As well, they may be able to prescribe medication to help ease the symptoms. We advise trusting your gut where your pet is concerned. It sounds like a conversation with your vet is in order.

We hope you find relief for your dog’s allergies!